Reasons for Male Impotence and Suitable Treatments Available

Scientific data has proved that people who suffer from depression or other psychological stress are more like to get impotence. Impotence can also be a factor leading to unnecessary stress and anxiety at work place and in relationships. A survey taken by officials show that as much as 30 million men in US suffers from male impotence which has lead to other problems like relationship turmoil, low self-esteem, less motivation about life, low self-image and other self destructing aspects. We are going to see some of the reasons for male impotence and some effective treatments to come over the problem.

Causes or Factors leading to Male Impotence

Impotence or in other words erectile dysfunction is the inability to maintain or achieve an erection without consistency and not be able to perform well during the sexual act. In most case we see that the patient had a successful erection but was unable to perform well and ejaculate fast. There are many medical aspects of looking at impotence. For firm and hard erection there should proper inflow of blood as well as proper outflow of blood. Impotence could be a side effect of other medical disorders and should immediately start treatment for it. We list you some common reason encountered for male impotence:
  • Lack of exercise or body movement: Men who do not work out even a little bit or does not make much body movements are more prone to fall for impotence.

  • Weight Problems: high BMI (Body Mass Index) can be a root cause to male impotence. In order to check your BMI just Google BMI and you can calculate your BMI.

  • Depression can affect sex life in the most bizarre ways and should completely come out of it in order to live a healthy sex life.

  • Stress and too much anxiety can also trigger male impotence.

  • Side effects of some major diseases can be impotence and need of potent medication is required in order to combat the condition.

  • Atherosclerosis and Diabetes: the formation of plaques on the arteries due to bad diet or obesity can decrease the blood to the male sex organ and can lead to full time impotence. Diabetes also goes hand in hand with impotence and ample amount of measures should be taken in order to eradicate the problem from your system.

  • Using Drugs and Alcohol: Drugs such as antidepressants, antihypertensive and sedatives can cause major damage to your reproductive system and give you problems like impotence.

  • Other reason could be stokes or hormonal imbalance which are followed by impotence.

Tips to Naturally Cure Impotence
  1. Having low fat content is proved to be the key. Avoid processed foods, desserts and fast food to reverse the actions of impotence. To be precise 60 grams is a good enough content of fat per day to intake.
  2. Cholesterol is the main reason why the arteries are clog and there is ales flow of blood to the organs. Avoid cholesterol and keep it under regular check.
  3. Start physical exercising on a daily basis like a walk or cycling for some time.
  4. Have balanced meals all the time and having a light dinner is recommended.
  5. Take supplements which have high vitamins and mineral content which will give ample energy to exercise.
  6. Moderate the use of colas and coffee as caffeine is a strong stimulant and cause trouble in your sex life.
  7. Have healthy sleep hours and take enough amount of rest without straining yourself.

There are many medical procedures and medicine for impotence treatment and you can find about that on pillsformedicine which is the best hub to deal with your sexual problems.