Hair care: Foods that damage hair

Hair care: Foods that damage hair


How to stop hair loss? Is the most common question in people suffering from receding hairlines. There are a lot of hair growth products that promise hair regrowth, but barely work. The best hair loss treatment according to us is the prevention of the problems in the first place.

Our body is the reflection of what we eat. Good or bad, our skin, hair, and personal health are majorly influenced by our diet. No one wants to cause damage to themselves, capiche?

Our busy lifestyle often makes us lose track of what we put into our bodies. For example; on a busy work day, you don’t have the time for lunch, what do you eat instead? A cheesy pizza. Well the body translates the cheesy pizza, as an unhealthy fat filled meal, along with raw yeast, which in short means that it is an unhealthy and indigestible thing to eat. The fact that we have made processed foods a significant part of our everyday lifestyle is reason enough for the occurrence of our health related problems. Since this article is about hair fall, we will speak of the foods that actually damage our hair.

Before we get to the food products, that actually damage and hinder with our hair growth. let’s learn a little about our hair.

Our hair and nails are made from a common protein, called keratin and is supported and strengthened by a vitamin known as biotin ( or vitamin H). Hence, it makes perfect sense that similar diet choices would benefit them both. A number of other lifestyle choices like smoking, drinking, use of recreational drugs, etc play a major role in reduces circulation of blood to the scalp and may cut down the level of biotin and keratin in the blood.

Here are the foods that damage your hair, more than your health.

High-Mercury Fish

The consumption of fish is usually regarded as a healthy eating trait. Sea food is usually high in protein content, which makes it the best food for the hair. Wonder why it is in this list?

Along with protein, certain fishes also come with high quantities of mercury. High levels of mercury in the blood can lead to hair loss.

Fish like swordfish and mackerel do have high levels of mercury, as do certain varieties of tuna. Sp if you’re a fan of sushi or these fish and facing hair fall problems, it’s time for you to stop feasting on them.

Tip: The FDA has deemed canned light tuna, salmon and shrimp as low mercury fishes and can be enjoyed as per your liking.


Did you know that sugar is bad for the skin?

Consuming sweets leads to the increase in the blood sugar levels. The body tends to pump out insulin in response to the rise in blood sugar levels, that’s not all, a high level of blood sugar also raises levels of a male hormone called androgen, that can make the hair follicle shrink in both women and men.

Tip: No we’re not asking you to stop consuming sweets, but you need to watch your intake if you value your hair, and want to avoid the loss of it.

High-Glycemic Foods

Food with high amounts of carbohydrates like starchy white breads, pastas and cakes lead to similar effects of that from consuming sugar, and can lead to the thinning of your hair. Research has revealed that a high-glycemic-index diet can increase the levels of androgen, while a low-glycemic-index diet can reduce them. High androgen levels are related to the thinning of the hair follicles and hair loss.

Tip: Replace high glycemic foods with whole grains, lean meat and other low carb foods. Adopt a diet that

High intake of Vitamin A

Too much of anything is not good. High doses of vitamin A can lead to severe hair loss. It is okay to consume a typical multivitamin, as it may not contain a dangerous amount of the vitamin. This tends to happen when you consume an individual vitamin A supplement.

You may not knowingly consume high doses of vitamin A. The vitamin may be found in medicines like Accutane, which could be the reason behind hair thinning.

Tip: Hair thinning may be a side effect of certain treatments. Hence, consult your doctor if you seem to experience the thinning of your hair while consuming certain medications for the treatment of other conditions.

Lack of Protein

Hair is made of protein. People whose diets do not include enough protein in their diet may suffer from hair loss problems. Lack of protein means poor, weak hair.

This problem of protein deficiency occurs in people with severe diet limitations (pure vegans) or severe eating disorders.

Tip: if you’re a vegetarian you should know that protein doesn't have to come from a meat source alone -- beans, tofu, spinach, lentils and more are all beneficial.

Foods with particular amino acids that help produce keratin, called cystine, like pork, broccoli, wheat germ and red peppers, can improve the condition and stop hair fall.

Lack of Iron and Zinc intake

There's a misguided thinking that minimal white specks in the nails demonstrate the storage of excessive calcium. As per Reader's Digest, those spots may be a sign of inadequate zinc content in the blood. Both zinc and iron - are found in red meats and certain fish. The nutrients are vital in the production of keratin. So holding back on these can result in hair and nail problems.

Getting enough zinc and iron is a little difficult for vegetarians. Fortunately, both zinc and iron can be ravished form commonly found beans.

Tip: Get your dose of zinc and iron from olives, green leafy vegetables, mushrooms, beans and asparagus

Now that you know what foods to avoid, and how to regulate your intake, form a diet that balances all the essential nutrients and vitamins you require. Increase or decrease the intake of the nutrients as per your requirement. If your hair problems are severe, please consult your doctor for the best hair loss treatment.

Hello friends Anna Austen here i work for as a health consultant. I also write blogs on health issues like Women's health, hair loss treatment, skincare problems etc.